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International Kissing Day 2024- Date, History, Facts, Activities & Ideas

International Kissing Day is set apart to celebrate the joyous practice of kissing and the cultural variations across cultures. International Kissing Day is an exciting event where lovers from all over the world can participate. Kissing has been one of the most critical social forms in all human societies; whether in the East or the West, kissing has always been a symbol of affection.

International Kissing Day Date

International Kissing Day is celebrated on May 7 every year. International Kissing Day is not just about French kissing, though the day is mainly centred around this particular practice. It is also an occasion to bring lovers close to share warm, loving gestures, such as pucker-eyed kissing, soft smooch, and even petting and hugging. Its entire purpose is to bring lovers close together and to let people know that it is not just about physical attraction but also human connection. The day also commemorates the beginning of World War II, when America and the United Kingdom signed the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) with Japan.

National Kissing Day is celebrated every year on July 6, and Nike International Kissing Day is celebrated every year on July 6. This year, 2024 International Kissing Day was held on Tuesday, July 6.

Why do We celebrate International Kissing Day?

Although International Kissing Day is observed in different countries, it typically celebrates the kiss between two people of the same gender. However, no apparent records confirm the first date of International Kissing Day. There is no indication of why the practice of kissing took off over time or why it became known as International Kissing Day. However, experts do point out several possible causes for International Kissing Day.

History of International Kissing Day

Some believe International Kissing Day was started because both lovers desire to experience the sensual feeling of kissing. They thought this directly resulted from the rise in social formality associated with weddings and other official celebrations. In line with this theory, during the early days of International Kissing Day, the people who participated were either nobility, dignitaries or members of royalty.

Today, International Kissing Day is commonly celebrated by couples from different countries who wish to share a wonderful kissing experience without spending much money.

International Kissing Day Facts

kiss day gifOne of the most critical arguments favouring International Kissing Day is that people should be encouraged to practice kissing. By allowing people to express themselves and have fun, kissing can be more genuine and healthy. Kissing involves the mouth, the nose, the chin, the eyes and the tips of the fingers. By practising kissing skills using these different body parts, participants can kiss correctly without causing discomfort or pain. International Kissing Day can help promote healthier sexual relationships because it encourages people to kiss and feel more comfortable around others.

For International Kissing Day, many organizations have devised various ways to celebrate kissing. The organizers of International Kissing Day encourage participants to use their hands when kissing. Some of these games include “spreads”, where participants simulate licking and sucking on the other person’s cheeks, lips and other soft body parts. Others have “tears”, where participants run their tongues along the other person’s cheeks and lips; “guzzles”, which are very stimulating for the eyes; “rinses”, where participants wet their lips with juice and spit; and “sours”, which can be exciting for the mouth.

Md Jahidul Islam

Hi! I am Md Jahidul Islam. Love To Travel Around The world and find out Culture and Celebrate. and My Team as Well. We believe that every day should be celebrated and that today is the day! Our aim is to bring all of the world’s National Day under one roof and to create the ultimate guide to celebrating each and every day.

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